Invest with confidence while living authentically

Learn how to match your investments to your goals and stop copying what other people are doing. Understand how to invest towards the things that matter to YOU - even if you don’t have a lot of money.
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Five star rating
From 300+ Students

Investable has helped 300+ students invest millions and reach their goals

Five star rating
My favourite part of the course was tracking my finances it felt like one significant but highly ignored aspect of financial growth. To be frank I had non I only lived in dreams, had no strategy whatsoever and risked alot and lost great amount of cash example in forex market. I entered the course with several goals which are to know how to save, how to get multiple sources of income and how to invest to fund my future lifestyle dreams. I have launched a vehicle that has boarded towards my long term goals and purpose, I have a clear view towards where am headed
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Sharon Malonza
Five star rating
My favourite part of the course was the case scenarios/examples covered by Val and Rina. They made all the lessons learnt from the course very practical. I also benefitted a lot from the weekly live Q&A sessions. Before investable, I thought I knew almost everything there is to investing here but my knowledge was very shallow. After Investable, I feel better equipped to make the right investments according to my goals.
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Rosemary Kimaku
Five star rating
As a person who thought I already have some financial knowledge there are 2 modules that I thought would be helpful. 1. Importance of breaking down goals into 3 areas, in fact during the course I immediately set up a standing order to build a low-risk emergency fund and re started sending funds to my pension fund which I had paused  2. The podcast featuring Kevin. I found those extremely helpful. I hope I will be able to get in touch with Kevin to aggressively start working on my real estate goal which had temporarily paused.
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Kevin Muthama
Five star rating
Alternative investments was my favourite part of the course as this was a subject i had little knowledge of. I am now on course implementing the lessons learnt in Investable.
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lucy Kimani
Five star rating
My favourite part was also my most challenging, which was identifying my goals and classifying them. When I chose to do the course, I thought I will be told where to put my money, I did not think it connected to my goal or even values. The course was eye-opening and made my life easier when deciding where to invest and for what.
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Caroline Ndaama
Five star rating
My favorite part of the course was section 4, it taught me how to link my goals and my money. I had a few savings and taking the course enlightened me on how to grow the money. My investment goal was to increase my savings towards my emergency fund and  and be consistent in buying stocks at the NSE. I have so far achieved to save four months EF which was my target. Am now focusing on savings and buying shares.
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This course is for you if:

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You want to generate passive income but don’t know how
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You have some investments but you're still wondering if you're "doing the right thing.”
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You have one or two investments (SACCO, MMF, maybe a bond) and want to diversify but don’t know what’s out there or how to pick something for you
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You want to make a big investment like developing a property or buying a piece of land but don’t know how to get there
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You don’t know if you are on track to retire comfortably
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You have money sitting in a savings account and don’t know what to do with it
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You have heard about tonnes of investment options from friends & family but you aren’t sure if they are right for your risk appetite
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You know a little about investing but you haven’t optimized your plan to reach financial independence

Join the Investable community for $280

Get the support you need to make investment decisions that are driven by what YOU want, instead of guess work and following the crowd
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6 modules of video content
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28+ actionable lessons
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Automated tools & sheets
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Live Q&As
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Talks from industry leaders
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Trusted investment recommendations
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Accountability Community
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Lifetime access

More kind words

Sarah Nguta
Five star rating
Course was great! Content was very thorough. Weekly live sessions were just 🔥🔥 consider making them longer please! 😁 Real examples on real estate & the guests especially Odundo was excellent
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Kevin Karuga
Five star rating
I loved how to set my goals into baskets and based on my values.  Before I was not very clear on how to invest but now I have a roadmap towards investing in my goals better. I am working on achieving my goals now. Asante.
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Lucile Niyinkunda
Five star rating
Favorite part : The Q&A sessions. The guests were fantastic especially with Dr. Odundo on retirement. Before investable: I had lots of my cash in the bank, and I was completely ok with that. Now my money is still in the bank but am not ok with it. I now have a MMF and am about to open an account to trade in government bonds and t-bills.
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Bilha Muchuha
Five star rating
The resources you have provided for goal setting and the wealth management worksheet are incredible. This is excellent value, surpassing the money paid. Thank you.
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Jay Wanjau
Five star rating
The foundation of knowing my values because it made it clear why i use my money in a certain way. My goal at least three things i learn in a month of the course. I can proudly say i have done two and working towards the last one. I also enjoyed the baskets - this puts investment in perspective. The bonus on retirement was also fantastic. Much appreciated!
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petronila Ng'endo
Five star rating
I loved all parts of the course. i did not have any investment knowledge before investable. my investment goals when entering the program is to have an  investment option that will be a platform to grow money so that i can invest in different options  for my portfolio. so far i am understanding how i will proceed hopefully by the end of the course i will have a clear direction
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Meet your instructor

Rina Hicks image
Rina Hicks
Certified Coach | Author | Investment Banker
Rina hicks has worked with these companies
Rina is an Investment Banker, Certified Coach, Educator with 17+ years in investment management, helping many (18,000+ community) crystallize their goals & maximize their personal & professional potential.

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Start today with $280
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billed monthly for 2 months
Start today with $150


Who is this course for?
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This course is designed for beginning or intermediate investors who want more confidence in their investment plans.

It's designed for those who already save consistently, have paid off all non-mortgage debt and want to learn how to build wealth in Africa through investing.

How does the course work?
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Investable is designed to be self-paced, so you can do it anywhere, anytime and in any time zone.

We've designed it so you can make progress after every chapter and finish off with a personalized plan to guide your investments after the last chapter.

We also host live Q&As that last about an hour for 5 weeks as a bonus - these will include talks from subject matter experts and sessions where we answer your specific questions.

We recommend watching the content before attending the live Q&A to get the most of it.

How long does it take? When will I see results?
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It depends on how active you are. If you follow the lessons and modules, expect to see some good traction in 45-60 days, and you can likely change your life in 6-12 months.

If you do absolutely nothing, you won't see any results.

I don't want to wait decades to get rich! How do I become a millionaire NOW?
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Trying to get rich quick usually ends in premium tears. This course is best suited for those with a long-term view and the patience required to see the sweet impact of compound interest.

Will this apply to me if I'm not Kenyan?
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85% of the course applies no matter where you live. The other 15% covers Kenyan specific opportunities and accounts, however, you can find similar alternatives in most markets.

What is NOT covered in this course?
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This course is all about investing based on your goals. It doesn't cover budgeting, paying off debt, insurance, earning more, buying a car or home, etc. Check out our other courses for content covering some of those topics.

How long do I have access?
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You get lifetime access to this course. Feel free to come back to it whenever you need a refresher or something changes in your life.

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